this week has been another great one here in La Habana, but I'm almost
99% positive that I'm going to have a transfer this upcoming Monday
because Ive got 6 months here in La Habana. This area definitely has its
challenges but its been a great blessing to be able to see the progress
and all of the people that are ready for baptism now. I'll be a little
sad to leave the area because there are some awesome, awesome families,
members, and investigators here; but I'm also excited for the opportunity
that I'm going to have to work with new people and with a new ward and
be able to progress more as a servant of the Lord.
week we had 4 of our investigators come to church this week which was
awesome! 2 of them have a baptismal date ready too! Elizabeth Salazar
has a date for the 25 and Fernando Jordan has a date for the 2 of Mayo.
We've been working a lot with Elizabeth lately and been resolving some of
her doubts that shes had for baptism. She has come to church 3 times
now and will be ready for the 25. Fernando is 17 years old and he is
great. He really keeps his compromisos (assignments or something like
that in English) and has the desires to progress and be baptized. It was
his first time at church and he was participating in the lessons and
all that good stuff. His 2 sisters, Fieorela and Fabiola, and his mom,
Suli, are the same too. I've never had investigators that are really
actually worried for the salvation and have the desires to find the
truth in its fulness. It has been awesome to see their progress.
also had Presidente Erickson and Hermana Erickson in sacrament meeting
this week which was really cool too. They haven't come to visit La Habana
in more than a year, so it was a cool experience to be able to have
them here. Presidente Erickson bore his testimony at the end of the meeting
about the Book of Mormon and the Spirit was really there testifying to
all who were present that it is true and the a man really will get
closer to God by reading the Book of Mormon. It is a great blessing to
have the Book of Mormon in so many different languages so all can
participate in the blessings that come from reading it. I was able to
finish it in Spanish for the first time this past week and I know that
it is true. It is inspired by God for the benefit of His children, and as
members of the church we have a responsibility to share the message of
the restoration with all people, so this week really make an effort to
share a part of the gospel with someone. A friend, less active, family
member, it doesn't matter! It only matters that you do it and help others
come unto CHRIST. If you do you will be blessed immediately.
Well, that's about all for this week!¡Que pasa un excelente semana!
Elder Potter
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